It takes two decades of board-level expertise and shed loads of industry passion to make a leader like Sally. Outdoorsy adventure? Try and stop her.
I’m a newly qualified accountant – what next? (Congratulations by the way!)

You have been studying hard for the last 3 years or possibly more and you have just received the amazing news you have passed you last exam(s).
A sense of relief passes over you as those years of managing a full-time job, studying, exams and life in general hasn’t been easy and a true sense of commitment has been needed to get you to this point. Give yourself a high-5 & one from us too!
So what now? The million dollar question!
Perhaps you have been on a training program with one of the accountancy practices or you have been studying whilst in industry. Time for reflection as after all you should have a little bit of time back to start thinking about these things!
Questions to ask yourself…
- Do I want to climb the ladder in audit and remain in this field?
- Do I want to make a move into industry and put what I have learnt into practice?
- Perhaps you want to gain a better work life balance and focus on one client?
- If you are in industry is the role you are in utilising the skills and qualification you now have?
Do you know what is on offer in the marketplace?
Why don’t you come and explore with the expert consultants in Search & Select who have been supporting accountants in their career moves since 1998.
We can guide you to ensure the next career move aligns with your longer term career goals or simply ensure you achieve that next right move.
To book a consultation today, pop your CV on the website and we’ll be in touch to meet with you.