Recruiter and top manager, Anne is also the owner of the best stocked bar this side of Vegas. Loves her budgies and venturing out in her camper van.
A day in the life of a Recruiter

Having been in a Recruitment role for more than 12 years – you may ask – what has kept you in the role for this long?
Every day is different
Every day there is something new to learn
Every day is unpredictable
The people you meet
The roles you work on and the industries you work with
The phenomenal amount of knowledge you gain that you can use to help others to achieve
The reward knowing you have found someone there ideal role
The peace of mind that you have truly helped someone to make a life changing decision
The people I work with
The challenges you face
A good Recruiter wears many hats and takes on so many roles so the title Recruiter simply does not cover everything you encounter or deal with. Here are some of many the job titles linked to a good Recruiters role:
Counsellor – someone who listens to people and gives them advice
Coach – someone who teaches others to improve a skill or subject
Empathiser – someone who understands how someone else feels
Role model – someone to aspire to and who is admired
Thought provoker – someone who makes you think a lot
Organiser – someone who plans things carefully
Educator – someone who teaches people
Guide – someone who helps you form an opinion or helps you to make a decision
Mentor – someone who gives help/guidance to less experienced people over a period of time
Interviewer – someone who asks questions to gain information needed
Confidant – someone who you can share a secret or private matter trusting them not to repeat it to others
From experience every Candidate is different. Their end goal is the same however to reach this with them can take many paths.
In my opinion, you need to have the following attributes to be a successful Recruiter:
- Approachability
- Patience
- Resilience
- Strong organisation
- Creativity
- Determination
- Confidence
- Communication Skills
- Trustworthiness
Don’t get me wrong - the job can have its frustrations however these out-weigh the huge amount satisfaction that you receive when you know that what you did made a difference and often a huge difference. My role brings about a huge sense of satisfaction and reward knowing that by what I have been able to offer has really helped others to achieve their goals big or small.
One meeting could be dealing with redundancy, the next could be counselling, the next could be career advice, the next could be gaining client requirements, another could be helping clients scope roles, define strategy or finding solutions or simply a candidate calling in to say how they are getting on etc.
In summary, ‘A day in the life of Recruiter’ is not just about finding someone a job. There is a lot more invested and the gains are truly rewarding from all sides.
That’s what keeps me in my role!